Join Us in Traveling the World!

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Our Journey So Far: 21 Countries Visited!

(Click each colored country to read all about our travels there!)


Hi there! We’re Gretchen and Gustavo.

There’s nowhere in the world that we can live together. So instead, we travel full-time, living on tourist visas. (Want the long version of our story? Read it here!)

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One of our favorite parts of traveling the world is eating! Head over here to learn about some of our recommendations and favorite things to eat around the world.

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While we’re definitely not adrenaline junkies, we love to have adventures all over the world. Come live vicariously as we ride camels, play with monkeys, and explore!

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If you want to know more about our personal experiences of traveling, this is the place for you. We’ll chat about what went right, what went terribly wrong, and our observations and experiences of the cultures we explore.

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We love nature (Gretchen, especially!), but most of our travels so far have been based in cities. Want to explore the glittering heights of Bangkok or the graffitied streets of Berlin? This is the place to start.

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We wish traveling were all about amazing experiences, but it also involves a lot of practical details and planning! Here’s what we can tell you about those things.

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